
e offer subscription-based pricing model, for our merchant. For businesses, particularly, small businesses, often time lowering barrier to entry is critical, particularly while deciding on investing financial resources.

It is often worthwhile and financially viable to get a subscription-based product offering. This helps merchants to understand the product features, benefits, and services, without investing lumpsum, into the product, only to find issues later.

Going further, buildmymart will often help you build your store, at no additional cost. If you are able to share your product and store details, such as images, pricing, description etc, we will help you build your own store. This significantly lowering your overall cost of ownership

Our overarching vision is to help you reduce your ecommerce cost, as you complement your retail off-line business, with a user-friendly, engaging and compelling ecommerce store.

To know more, we encourage you to reach out to our sales representative.

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