Affordable Pricing

nderstanding Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), plays a critical role in, not just selecting the optimal platform that meet your business needs, but eventually success of your overall ecommerce initiative. To elaborate a bit more on the definition of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Your TCO broadly contain, your initial purchase (build and setup) cost and followed by the operational cost. We typically suggest over a 3-5 year’s duration, for the operational cost. Lack of understanding of the ecommerce platforms (and its offerings) and later with misaligned expectations. Often leads to selection of unsuitable platform, leading to higher cost, effort and time. To elaborate on your initial purchase cost, it primarily includes your development cost. Which will contain, your expenditure for design, development, integrations, plugins, app development and set- up fees etc, as applicable. Your operational cost, at a minimal, would typically contain aspects as license, upgrades, in-house support and maintenance, transaction fees and marketing cost. While it is important to go in depth in each of these areas, it is worth mentioning the following. Initially while budgeting, often times the development cost (initial cost) is emphasised, while the operational cost often is undervalued, by the senior management. We believe, understanding the overall cost is important while setting the right expectations, with various stakeholders, and eventual success of the initiative.

When choosing a platform, at a minimum, 2 questions take priority what is the platform offering how much would it cost us

BuildMyMart help answer these 2 questions optimally, by helping merchants keep their Total Cost of Ownership at a minimum, while offering competing services. We achieve by primarily in 4 key ways

  1. Lower subscription price:

    We offer the platform at an affordable price of Rs. 8999/year, hence significantly reducing the initial investment for merchant and lowering the barrier to entry in the ecommerce ecosystem

  2. No setup fees:

    Again to reduce the overall cost expenditure and ensure merchants are able to achieve their ecommerce vision, we help build the store for free. That in addition to providing free trainings for Merchants, to help manage the platform

  3. Easy to maintain and support:

    The product has been built such that, the customer is able to maintain and support store, by themselves. We believe merchants understand their business, better than anyone else. If they understand the easy to use functionality of BuildMyMart, they would be able to manage the store themselves, without spending additional cost on any agency support.We are glad to provide support as required, but buildmymart is easy to use and manage. The key aspects again to highlight here is that it significantly brings down the overall expenditure, and reducing reliance on developers, saving time, effort and money.

  4. New functionality and features constantly being added, often at no additional cost:

    We continue to grow rapidly, and would love to share the gains, including the savings, with the merchants. For which we continue to add new feature, designs and functionality to our customers, most of which would be free for existing customers, particularly during the first 2 years. Try it, to believe it We encourage you to reach out to our sales rep or try our implementation, to know more.

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